Miguel and I go to the movies a lot in Brussels, mostly because we have a UGC pass. This allows us to pay a set rate each month for as many movies as we care to see, for this, going to the movies here is great. The rest of it, well, you can decide.
Last weekend we went to see American Pie: The Reunion (which was surprisingly good) with friends on a weekend night and I wanted to document some of the ridiculousness. Miguel and I arrived 30 minutes before the movie to get our tickets and get seats. The ticket line was surprisingly ok, but when we got to the actual theater we were blocked from entering by a velvet rope. Now, this is standard procedure, they were cleaning the theater or something, but the staff at the UGC made NO effort to control the crowd. Soon it was packed enough with an unorganized mob that had there been an emergency I don't even want to think about what would have happened. Finally, about 5 minutes before the show was supposed to start one staff member seems to remember that there are people waiting and lifts the rope, at which point it's a no-holds-barred free for all. People pushing and shoving, rushing around trying to get seats. The crazy part was, the theater wasn't even full in the end!
So the four of us settle into our decent seats for the show. Before the movie started we got one measly trailer that came on first and then the ads. My god the ads. The ads for beverages alone were ridiculous! Two for coke, one for pepsi, one for aquarious and one for fanta (and maybe one for sprite). There were ads for Axe body spray, for various radio stations, car dealerships, etc. For. 20. Minutes. Towards the end of this barrage (during which you have to think, did I actually pay for a ticket??) we get one more trailer. For the movie we are about to see. What is that? As if that's not ridiculous enough, it was advertising it saying it opened on May 2nd, and we were sitting in that theater nearly a week before that date. Oy.
So finally just about an hour after arriving at the theater the movie starts, and already I start to think, uh oh, I have to pee. Of course, I avoided the bathroom before the movie because not only is it pretty smelly, out of toilet paper a lot of the time, only has crappy "automatic" hand dryers (that are basically the equivalent of having someone just breathe on them for about five seconds at a time), no paper towels and no purse hooks (the floor... ew) but I have to pay 35 cents for the privilege. The concept of a "madame pipi" annoys me anyway, but in a theater where even if I don't order a drink I have to sit through five drink ads before the movie even starts and I end up in the same place for at least three hours. COME. ON.
One last complaint to end on (I swear, I'm not bitter). The idiot girl behind me kept kicking my seat. Actually, to be fair, she had her feet on the back of my seat the entire time and would kick it sporadically. This is despite me turning around in my seat and asking her to stop, turning around and glaring, pushing my seat back when she did it and none of that worked. I understand accidentally kicking the seat in front of you while you cross your legs, but this was ridiculous and incredibly inconsiderate.
All of that said, we still go to the movies a lot and it's not always that crazy. As always my ranting is meant more for entertainment that to be a scathing review of Brussels. So... enjoy!
Friday, May 4, 2012
Going to the Movies
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
The Perils of Walking in Brussels
Oy, I've been putting off this post, knowing it would be a long whiny one, but here goes!
Walking in Brussels takes quick thinking, stealthy maneuvers, eyes everywhere and constant awareness of the people around you. The uneven cobblestones may give you enough trouble, but then there's the dog (or horse) shit, slow/stupid people, cars, buses, trash and even the odd zucchini! God help you if it's raining, or even if you want to look up to enjoy the scenery on a lovely day! So here is my list of things to look out for if you happen to be visiting (or living) in this lovely city.
1. Cobblestones. Cobblestones are the most frequent offenders on this list. First of all, they are almost always uneven, many jutting up enough to cause a stubbed toe. This happens to me about once a day and I often see it happen to others. Irregular cobblestones are far better than missing cobblestones, or loose ones that have been dug up and vertically placed. Also, beware of loose ones when it rains or you will be muddy in no time flat. Please scroll for examples.
2. Shit. Dog shit is everywhere in Brussels and I honestly don't understand why people don't clean up after their dogs. Often you will see a big fresh one with a foot print right in the middle and smears going down the sidewalk. *shudder* Something else I've seen (though not commonly) is horse shit. Granted, that would be harder to clean, but come on, especially when it's right. In. The. Crosswalk. Ugh. People, if you have a dog (or a horse) please be responsible and clean up after it. And walkers, keep a close lookout, the moment you look up and start enjoying a lovely Art Nouveau building there will be poop.
3. People. If you read my post about the hoard of children you will already have a sense of what I'm talking about. In my neighborhood people are everywhere and if you are in a rush, you had better guarantee that they will be especially slow just for you. Many people will walk slowly and 3 abreast so you cannot pass. If they are slow because they walk with a cane they will swerve around to ensure passing is impossible. Women with hummer-sized strollers will park themselves in the exact doorway of the exact shop you want to go into. The people who are actually walking at a brisk pace will decide to abruptly stop in a random place in the middle of the sidewalk, maybe to talk to a friend, maybe to text someone, maybe just for fun, who knows.
Also, do not attempt to play "chicken" with these people. They will not move. If they see you coming and keep on walking either swerve or prepare for impact. If it is entirely their fault that you run into them they will be angry and will possibly yell at you. If it is your fault they won't even notice. Never expect an apology but be pleasantly surprised when you get one.
4. Cars. In theory, cars stay in the road, so the only time you should have to worry about them is when you are crossing the street. In Brussels this is mostly true. When on the sidewalk about to cross and a car is speeding towards you, make sure they see you before stepping into the street (seems logical, right?). There are times when drivers will blatantly ignore crosswalks and speed right through. When this happens I like to yell at the back of the car, most likely "COME ON!!!" or "JESUS!!!", I also like to gesticulate wildly.
I was trying to cross once and this slow moving car was coming towards me and I nearly stepped into the road. It's a damn good thing I didn't, because this guy (a Congolese man) just kept driving. I gesticulated, as did others, and he looked at us with this big grin and waved. I had to laugh. Maybe he had recently arrived in Brussels thought "Wow, such nice people! All waving at me!"
5. Cars+People. This may not be true elsewhere in Brussels, but here in the Matonge it is something to be aware of. People will congregate on the sidewalks outside of hair dressing shops and record shops and basically take over the sidewalk. If you try to walk by more often than not they will refuse to move, forcing you to walk in the street. If this happens, be sure to check for oncoming cars. Take my word for that one.
6. Construction. Construction is happening all the time in Brussels. It often continues for ridiculous amounts of time and closes off sidewalks for all kinds of digging and ridiculously loud processes. (Side note: this will often start at 6am the morning you can actually sleep in and stop completely at 9am, never to start again.) This may mean there are detours, large boards used to cover up larger holes and other such obstacles. Proceed cautiously. There may also be random detours with minimal explanation. Beware, people may decide that this is the ideal spot to puke. No joke.
(Of course immediately after taking this picture, in an attempt to avoid stepping in the mess I tripped over the aluminum bars and twisted my ankle. That's what I get for complaining!)
7. Zucchinis? Yep, but this only happened once. There was a giant zucchini in the middle of the sidewalk. I just thought I'd include it because you really never know what you are going to see!
So there you have it, the perils of walking in Brussels. I think it's fun to put a positive spin on it and pretend you are in a video game. +10 points for not tripping on the cobblestone, +20 points for avoiding the dog poop, etc. Those who are advanced can try this routine with an umbrella in the windtunnel that is Porte de Namur! Good luck! And remember, if it happens to be sunny and warm, the sunny side is that much more likely to smell like piss (or is that just in the Matonge?)
Sunday, April 1, 2012
So I know I promised the post on walking in Brussels, but again, circumstances have intervened and I feel the need to share something else.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
The Battle of the Sidewalk
As I was walking to Lidl (a budget grocery store here in Brussels, found all over Europe) today, I got the idea for my next blog post: the perils of walking in Brussels. And that will still be my next post. However, as I was walking back from Lidl (and the pet store) with a full granny cart of groceries and cat food, I came upon the real nightmare of walking in Brussels. Children.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Coolest Thing in Brussels
Last night I went to see Gotye at the Ancienne Belgique. Having listened to his latest album "Making Mirrors" over and over in the last few weeks I already had a deep appreciation for his musicality and just general awesomeness, but was dismayed to see that the concert was sold out! But thanks to the fabulous Ancienne Belgique website which allows concert-goers (and would-be-concert-goers) discuss shows I was able to find myself a ticket! (In fact, I could have gotten ahold of 4!) Seriously, every concert venue needs to come up with a system like that, amazing.
I will also say that I don't think Gotye has really hit in the US, but here in Brussels I had a moment not a week ago in a little delhaize express. I was in the queu with some groceries and "Somebody that I used to know" came on. I start humming/whistling/flat out singing along, and so does the guy behind me! And then the guy in front! And there's the three of us, hardly acknowledging each other but having this connection. It's a feeling I rarely have in Brussels. So thank you, Gotye, for that!
Wouter "Wally" de Backer was actually born in Belgium, so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that people here were excited about the show. The vibe was electric. The opening act, Gabrielle Aplin was welcomed very warmly and played some great original songs as well as a Lana del Rey cover which was fantastic. When Gotye finally made it onto the stage (it took a long time to get the equipment set up) they started slowly with some of their quieter pieces with gorgeous animations on the screen behind them.
I'm not even sure how to describe what it was like watching them get into it. Seeing Wally on the drums was... beautiful. I also found it fascinating to watch him make these little signals back stage when there was something that needed adjustment. I couldn't hear any problems or mistakes, but to see how involved he was in the sound that made it out to the audience was just so damn cool to watch. The animations were trippy as hell and just brought that much more to the show.
I could try to go more into the setlist, or try to describe the experience more, but I don't know how it could have been better. Well... I suppose if Kimbra had been able to make it it would have been that much more special. As it is I'm scheming how to get into the sold out show in Amsterdam in a few days. Hah, I wish!
In the mean time, do yourself a favor. Go listen to Gotye's album: "Making Mirrors." There's something on there for everyone. I am completely and utterly addicted. Can you tell?
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Trip to Tenerife
Garden Party

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Only in Belgium
Taken from Brussels Unlimited:
Demands for Courthouse Scaffolding to be Removed
The city authorities have orderede the removal of scaffolding at the Palais de Justice, one of Brussels' landmark buildings.
The demand comes amid warnings that the rusting scaffolding has been in place so long it is in danger of collapse.
It was erected several months ago (I think they mean years) as part of the ongoing restoration work. Deadlines for its removal have come and gone with no sign of it being removed.
A spokesman for the committee responsible for the restorations said: "The scaffolding has been there so long now that a whole generation has never seen the Palais de Justice without it."
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Of Beards and Boats
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Summer Moon