Friday, January 2, 2009

Just a quick one...

So I know it's been a while, and you all are probably chomping at the bit for more of my adventures... And I will satisfy your curiosity... At a time when Cleo (one of the cats) is not intent on posting her own entry (mostly containing a lot of "q"s). She won't take her paw off the computer, so I'm assuming she's impatient for me to get off. Both she and her sister are very curious about the computer, as evident by the following picture...

So there you have the babies. They were very happy to see us when we got back from Spain. There is going to be a massive blog about that, whenever I can get to it. I'll say this, it took me a while to get over the jet lag, missing 2 nights of sleep, missing my usual Christmas with my family, etc. But all in all, it was a good trip, I enjoyed the warmer weather (though it was icky for quite a bit of the time) and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting that side of Miguel's family. I only wish my Spanish were a bit bettter. So for now, just a couple pictures of Tenerife...

So I hope everyone had a great Christmas/Hannukah, and Happy New Year to all!