Saturday, January 3, 2009

Spain, the Highlights

So Miguel and I were in Spain for about 2 weeks. That is an awful lot of postponed blogging, so it's shortcut time! The highlights of Tenerife... (In no specific order).

1) Siestas. Siestas are awesome. Every day, after about 2pm, sometimes 3, everyone would adjourn to their rooms and stay the
re for a couple hours, meaning, nap time! It was awesome.

2) The drive around the island. Miguel, his dad, his brother, Andre and I took a day to take the full trip around Tenerife, via car.
-We annoyed the red car in front of us by tailgaiting
so much he had to pull over!
-We got a great view of the Island.
-We were told to "Shh!" every couple of seconds by Andre, who was trying to read "Twilight." (I told him it was for girls, hahaha)
-Miguel's brother, 13 yo Andre likes to yell suggestive things at women. We were passing a biker, and he started yelling "guapa!" He got as far as "guap..." before he realized the biker wa
s a man!
-We almost ate lunch at Hooters!
-We ended up eating lunch at "The Chinese," which was actually pretty good, but no Cheng Du.
-I napped, open-mouthed, all the way home.
-Also, getting to call Miguel Señor Cebollas (Mr. Onions) all day because he ate raw onions and smelled like them for HOURS.

3) We watched "Almost 300," a cheap rip-off of "300." It was actually hilarious. Family entertainment for all.

4) Miguel senior's jokes. All very difficult to translate, mostly involving gay people, whore houses and other sundry things. Miguel junior decided to stop
translating at one point I learned not to ask.

5) The grocery stores. Some of them were HUGE. The best part was the fish area where they had tons of whole fish, crabs, shrimp, octopuses /octopi, squid, etc. Dad, you would have loved it!

There was also a wall of serrano ham (like parma ham b
ut tastier), which is basically a cured pig leg. Not terribly appetizing, but neither were the shrimp with legs and antennae.

6)Our trip to Loro (parrot) Parque (park)!
There were parrots, penguins, fish of all kinds, tigers, gorrillas, and of course, parrots! We walked in through the "Thai Village," after a brief argument with the ticket lady, we proceeded to spend our day amidst the wildlife. We saw a parrot show, a dolphin show, an orca show and a sea lion show! All of this was followed by a ride on a long yellow train and then a hike up a mountain thing to get to the bus stop. DEFinitely needed a siesta after that day!

7)Our Noche Buena (the night before Christmas) feast! We had lots of different kinds of cheese. We also had a stuffed turkey and potatoes. The turkey was delicious, but I called it a Turken, because it was about the size of a chicken. That thing wouldn't have survived a US Thanksgiving dinner of 3 people!

8) Our Christmas Day dinner at an old
converted Monastery. Check this place out! There were several different kinds of restaurants in this place. We ate with Miguel's Dad, Anke, Andre and Anke's friend Antje and her family. It was a lot of fun, especially wandering around the monastary and looking at all the animals on the grounds. They had everything from goats to these animals I affectionately named: Turducks or Durkeys. See if you can guess why...

Yep. Durkeys. I got Tiramisu for dessert, and they put a candle in it, and sang happy birthday to me in Spanish, and I blew it out. It was the only time I've ever eaten in a restaurant on my birthday! Silly Christmas, everything being closed...

9) Meeting Maria Jesus
(nicknamed Bubi). She is Miguel's aunt, and completely hilarious, despite not knowing English. We first met when Miguel Sr. made his famous paella...

We saw her several times after that. My favorite time was at the Casino, which really isn't a casino, but a member's only club for the rich and/or well bred. She did a good job spreading the gossip. She then told us about her exorcism!! That's right. She had an exorcism done on herself. She said that when the priest (who does this free of charge for those suffering from black magic) touched her forehead, he jumped back! He told her it was a blond woman wishing her ill, and doing, well, god knows what. I was more fascinated than anything.

10) Getting Miguel's hair cut. Now for this one, I don't have a picture... yet. I have plenty on my camera, which is currently in the custody of a friend and has been as of New Years. Anyway, after everyone complained about Miguel's hair being too long, it started acting up. Miguel's hair did, that is. So, we were forced to go and get it cut, with Miguel Sr.'s friend Cristel. She was a total riot (we had met her before) and spoke perfect English, though she was German. We had a good laugh, drank some Vermouth, and were on our way.

So there you have it, 10 highlights of Spain. There could be more, but 10 is such a nice number to stop at. Plus, it's dinner time! Until next time!